America’s religious freedom robust, but tough challenges remain

Religious liberty is alive and well in the United States. A review of the news from 2011 confirms that America’s commitment to the freedom of religion, rooted in the institutional separation of church and state, remains the most robust in the world. Across the country, more people, from more diverse faith traditions, are exercising their religion with confidence, without fear of reprisal or persecution, and without government interference or competition.

The claim (advanced by many these days) that somehow a growing campaign of oppression by American courts or legislators threatens religious exercise generally, or Christianity in particular, is sorely mistaken! There is no better place on Earth to be a free person of faith than right here in America.

That being said, many policies and practices in our federal, state and local governments continue to create unnecessary barriers, demonstrate harmful bias, and just plain undermine important safeguards of religious liberty contained in our laws.

Click here to read a review of the top religious liberty stories of 2011 and a preview of what to watch for in 2012!