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BJC news

By BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman for TIME magazine

photo illustration of the top of the Supreme Court building

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi interviewed BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler on June 1, 2024, for a segment on the AYMAN show about Christian nationalism in Texas and across the country.

Latest News from BJC

illustration of hands holding political campaign pins with the words vote and elect, and images of the donkey and elephant, in red white and blue

In new lawsuit, religious nonprofit targets Johnson Amendment in order to endorse political candidates without losing tax-exempt status

The Johnson Amendment protects nonprofits from being entangled in electoral politics, and in turn it protects taxpayers from unwittingly providing tax exemptions to an agent of a political campaign.
South Carolina Supreme Court strikes down school voucher program

South Carolina Supreme Court strikes down school voucher program

Legal protections against the public funding of private and religious schools aren’t about limiting choice. They are about protecting the taxpayer and upholding our civic commitment to public education, where all students and parents know they belong.
Judge issues injunction in case involving exclusion of Jewish students from campus facilities during protest over war in Gaza

Judge issues injunction in case involving exclusion of Jewish students from campus facilities during protest over war in Gaza

The lawsuit alleges that officials failed to protect the right of Jewish students at UCLA to full access of university facilities during protests in the spring about the war in Gaza.


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