From our beginning in 1936, BJC has found strength in collaborating with a diverse array of groups, both religious and secular.
Although we may differ on matters of faith, we agree on the need to defend religious freedom as guaranteed by the First Amendment.
Most importantly, we work to build bridges, bringing people and groups together who have vastly divergent viewpoints on many issues to find common ground that allows all of us to make a greater impact, together.

“BJC is a trusted partner in the fight to protect religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Their perspective, ability to mobilize a broad and diverse group of faith leaders, and expert work is vital to our success.”
Rachel Laser
President and CEO, Americans United for Separation of Church and State
“When we partner with others, we don’t necessarily look for groups where we share the same theological beliefs, but groups that have the same principles. BJC has a long history of fighting for the religious freedom of all people, and that’s something that is a core principle of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.”
Dwayne Leslie
Former Associate Director in the Department of Public Affairs and Religious Liberty and Director of Legislative Affairs, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

“BJC has long been a leading voice — as well as the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s constant partner — in the work of protecting the First Amendment. In particular, BJC’s leadership has been integral in advancing religious freedom for all people, regardless of faith or theology.”
Rabbi Jonah Dov Pesner
Director, Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
“BJC is known as an organization that welcomes all people to the table and can build bridges between diverse groups. They gave us the space to host frank discussions that brought people with many different viewpoints together around a shared goal.”
Gurwin Ahuja
Co-founder and Advisor, National Sikh Campaign

“BJC’s unwavering leadership in galvanizing the religious community to voice firm opposition to the legislative threat proved to be indispensable to the broader collective effort to keep the longstanding Johnson Amendment untouched.”
Tim Delaney
President & CEO, National Council of Nonprofits
“BJC has consistently been a trusted partner in efforts to ensure that religious liberty extends to all people. We at CAP are grateful for their faithful leadership at the national, state, and local levels.”
Maggie Siddiqi
Director, Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative at the Center for American Progress