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Our videos feature some of our most popular lectures, in-depth discussions of current events and analysis of church-state issues.

To see all of our videos, visit our YouTube channel or our archival Vimeo channel.

S6, Ep. 07: Jimmy Carter: Baptist, president, servant leader

S6, Ep. 07: Jimmy Carter: Baptist, president, servant leader

President Jimmy Carter introduced millions of people to what it means to be a Baptist. In this episode, Amanda and Holly reflect on what he meant to our country and to both of them, as fellow Baptists, as well as his impact on faith freedom for all. They share how he is a shining example of the diversity of Baptists in our country as well as what it looks like to live out one’s faith freely and fully without forcing it on others.
Amanda Tyler testifies to Congress on the threat of Christian nationalism

Amanda Tyler testifies to Congress on the threat of Christian nationalism

Watch a portion of the testimony of Amanda Tyler, executive director of BJC and lead organizer of Christians Against Christian Nationalism, before Congress on October 25, 2023. "To oppose Christian nationalism is not to oppose Christianity," she said.
Meet the 2023 BJC Fellows

Meet the 2023 BJC Fellows

What happens when young professionals from diverse backgrounds gather in Colonial Williamsburg to begin their journey as a BJC Fellow? Hear from the class of 2023 about their experience and what it means to defend faith freedom for everyone.
Introducing the BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation

Introducing the BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation

The BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation offers a variety of educational programs that expand and deepen our understanding of religious freedom with a broader justice lens.