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Written by Don Byrd, these updates bring together the latest news impacting the conversation around religious freedom and the separation of church and state.

Appeals court vacates earlier decision upholding school district’s pronoun policy, sends back to trial court in light of Supreme Court’s recent Title VII ruling

Appeals court vacates earlier decision upholding school district’s pronoun policy, sends back to trial court in light of Supreme Court’s recent Title VII ruling

The Court clarified that the standard an employer must meet for establishing an “undue hardship” is not the “de minimis cost” test used by courts for many years – including by the 7th Circuit in Kluge – but is instead whether a religious accommodation would “result in substantial increased costs in relation to the conduct of its particular business.”
Guam joins Oklahoma in approving government-funded religious charter schools after legislature overrides governor’s veto

Guam joins Oklahoma in approving government-funded religious charter schools after legislature overrides governor’s veto

The question of whether the First Amendment allows for publicly funded religious charter schools may make its way to the Supreme Court before long.
EEOC Report: COVID-19 vaccine-related employment disputes fuel surge of religious discrimination claims

EEOC Report: COVID-19 vaccine-related employment disputes fuel surge of religious discrimination claims

The EEOC report suggests in a footnote that a “significant increase in vaccine-related charges filed on the basis of religion” is responsible for the spike in religion cases generally.
Federal judge rejects teacher’s request on religious freedom grounds to halt policy requiring teachers to use students’ preferred name and pronouns

Federal judge rejects teacher’s request on religious freedom grounds to halt policy requiring teachers to use students’ preferred name and pronouns

In rejecting the request for a preliminary injunction, the court emphasized that the policy impacts the teacher's speech only in her official capacity as public school employee, not her private expression.
U.S. Supreme Court rules Constitution’s Free Speech Clause protects website designer’s plans to refuse same-sex wedding services against state law barring discrimination

U.S. Supreme Court rules Constitution’s Free Speech Clause protects website designer’s plans to refuse same-sex wedding services against state law barring discrimination

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court emphasized that unlike the goods and services offered by many other businesses, the custom websites proposed at issue in this case are “expressive speech” protected by the Constitution.
U.S. Supreme Court strengthens workplace religious freedom standard in unanimous ruling

U.S. Supreme Court strengthens workplace religious freedom standard in unanimous ruling

In the Groff v. DeJoy decision, the Court explained that co-workers’ feelings about religion, or their personal objection to religious practices, are not sufficient to deny an employee’s religious accommodation request.
A pair of Supreme Court decisions we’re waiting for as the term winds down

A pair of Supreme Court decisions we’re waiting for as the term winds down

More than a dozen cases remain undecided at the Supreme Court for this term, including not one but two cases with issues related to religious liberty.
Oklahoma faces likely legal challenge after board approved first religious charter school in the U.S.

Oklahoma faces likely legal challenge after board approved first religious charter school in the U.S.

The Oklahoma Charter School Board approved a Catholic school’s application for charter school funding, making it the first religious charter school in the country and setting the stage for a likely legal battle.