Written by Don Byrd

Not exactly news-making substance, but both President Obama and Governor Romney are back on the issue of the Affordable Care mandates and religious freedom. Here’s President Obama yesterday in Denver:

Last week, insurance companies began covering even more services. And now most health plans are going to begin covering the cost of contraceptive care.

And listen, we recognize that many people have strongly held religious views on contraception, which is why we made sure churches and other houses of worship, they don’t have to provide it, they don’t have to pay for it. We worked with the Catholic hospitals and universities to find a solution that protects both religious liberty and a woman’s health.

Governor Romney had his say in a new TV ad:

Narrator: Who shares your values? [Text headline: “Obama Insurance Decision Declares War on Religion”] President Obama used his health care plan to declare war on religion, forcing religious institutions to go against their faith. Mitt Romney believes that’s wrong.

Romney (delivering a speech in Warsaw, Poland): In 1979, a son of Poland, Pope John Paul II, spoke words that would bring down an empire: “Be not afraid.”

Is this going to be a new concentration this Fall? Or just a passing standard line?