Obama Administration Issues Final Contraception Mandate Rule

Written by Don Byrd
On Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services released the final rule governing the contraceptive mandate in the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, the rule adopts the simplified definition of religious organizations proposed in February of that expands the net of organizations exempt from the mandate. The Administration declined to expand further the exemption.

Full 10th Circuit: Contraception Mandate Likely Violates Hobby Lobby’s Rights Under RFRA

Written by Don Byrd
Sitting en banc, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, ordering the lower court to consider an injunction barring the government from enforcing the contraception mandate pending the outcome of their lawsuit challenging its constitutionality. Back in December, a panel of the 10th Circuit rejected Hobby Lobby’s request for an injunction after finding the corporation unlikely to succeed in its religious freedom claims. Yesterday’s ruling of the entire appeals court overturns that decision.

10th Circuit Hears Hobby Lobby Appeal

Written by Don Byrd
Last week, the 10th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals heard the contraception mandate case involving Hobby Lobby’s challenge of the federal health case law known as Obamacare.This is both the most high profile and seemingly the farthest along of any of the disputes pitting the Department of Justice against a private employer seeking to avoid the contraception coverage requirement on religious freedom grounds.