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Appeals Court maintains halt on Indiana’s abortion ban against plaintiffs who claim a religious liberty right to terminate pregnancy

Appeals Court maintains halt on Indiana’s abortion ban against plaintiffs who claim a religious liberty right to terminate pregnancy

Indiana is not the only state with courts considering whether there is a religious freedom right to an abortion in certain circumstances, an argument brought to the forefront once the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobbs ruled that there is no federal right to an abortion.
‘Released time’ religious instruction programs for public school students expanding with ‘plug and play’ curricula, state legislation

‘Released time’ religious instruction programs for public school students expanding with ‘plug and play’ curricula, state legislation

A controversial program is spreading across the country that offers grade school children optional Bible instruction during the school day.
First Muslim appeals court nominee in doubt

First Muslim appeals court nominee in doubt

There is no place for subjecting a nominee to questions that demonstrate hostility to their faith, or otherwise suggesting that being Muslim is incompatible with being a federal judge.


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