capitol dome section with flagWritten by Don Byrd

A subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing this afternoon on religious accommodation in the armed services.  While the exact focus of the hearing is not clear, the issue of accommodation has been a significant story this year. Officials earlier announced a change in process that gives greater priority to servicemembers seeking accommodation, but still requires them to seek a waiver. Questions have been raised too regarding whether secular humanists should be afforded the opportunity to serve as military chaplains.

Presumably the discussion will go where ever the committee members and panelists take it.

Panelists include:

Mr. Michael Berry 
Senior Counsel, Director of Military Affairs, Liberty Institute

Dr. Ron Crews 
Executive Director, Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty

Mr. Rabbi Bruce Kahn 

Mr. Travis Weber 
Director, Center for Religious Liberty Family Research Council

Mr. Michael Weinstein 
President, Military Religious Freedom Foundation

The Washington Post reports that this will be the first time Mr. Weinstein, a noted critic of Christian evangelism in the military, has testified before Congress. You can watch the hearing, which is scheduled to begin at 2 PM Eastern time, here.