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By BJC Staff Reports

On Tuesday, Nov. 29, partner with the Baptist Joint Committee to participate in #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving. We invite you to join us on this day by making a donation and telling others in your circles of influence why you care about defending and extending religious liberty for all. This marks the fourth year the BJC has participated.

Getting involved is simple. #GivingTuesday falls after “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday,” and it gives us the opportunity to focus on causes we care about in the middle of the holiday shopping season. Take a moment to write a social media post about why you care about religious liberty, share resources from the BJC’s website, or just be intentional about discussing religious liberty in your daily interactions. And, take the opportunity to give to the BJC’s work – you can donate any time by going to

Last year, more than 45,000 organizations in 71 countries came together to celebrate #GivingTuesday. Use this chance to share why you care about the religious liberty of all people, and visit our website at for more ideas on giving back.

From the September/October 2016 edition of Report from the Capital. You can also read the digital version of the magazine or view it as a PDF.