Written by Don Byrd
As Congress considers a funding bill, some lawmakers are seeking to include a provision that would severely weaken the protections for houses of worship found in the Johnson Amendment, which bars nonprofit organizations from engaging in electoral politics. The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty is asking supporters to contact your two (2) U.S. Senators and remind them that the Johnson Amendment protects congregations from political pressure and financial exploitation by electoral campaigns.
In an email, the BJC provided a great list of steps to follow, which I am pasting below. If you have never called your senators’ offices before, it’s easy! And so important to make your voice heard.
1. Call your senators’ offices, or call the Capitol switchboard (202-225-3121) and ask for the appropriate senator’s office.
2. When you are transferred to each office, identify yourself as a constituent. Provide your name, as well as where you live. Also, mention (if applicable) which church, faith or nonprofit you’re affiliated with.
3. Indicate that you would like to leave a message for the senator regarding the Johnson Amendment. Here’s one way to craft your message: “Don’t use the appropriations process to weaken or repeal the Johnson Amendment, which keeps partisan politics out of houses of worship, nonprofits, and foundations. I am concerned that efforts to repeal or weaken the Johnson Amendment would harm my church and invite partisanship into a sacred place of unity.”
4. Thank the staff member for their time.That’s it! And know that by taking a few minutes out of your day, you’ve helped to keep sacred spaces sacred.
5. Email [email protected] so we can thank you for your efforts. Or, fill out this Google Form to tell us about your call.
6. Share your efforts on Twitter with a pre-populated tweet, or use other social channels to encourage others to call!
And if you would like to subscribe to the BJC’s action alert emails, visit bjconline.org/subscribe.