What a Touchy Subject - Religious Liberty and Church-State SeparationIf you’re looking for a basic primer on religious liberty and the separation of church and state, check out a new book from BJC Executive Director J. Brent Walker. What a Touchy Subject! Religious Liberty and Church-State Separation has been published by Nurturing Faith.

The book is a compilation of Walker’s presentations during the 2013 Shurden Lectures. They cover the principles of religious liberty from a historical, constitutional and scriptural perspective. The book’s appendix has more information about the lecture series and the Baptist Joint Committee, as well as materials on religion in politics. 

The book is available to purchase as a printed publication at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com and as an e-book at NurturingFaith.net. Just click on the links or visit those websites and search for “J. Brent Walker.”