capitol longshot
Written by Don Byrd

With the passing of U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), the American people have lost a champion of religious liberty. Rabbi David Saperstein of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism offered his thoughts:

When, following his significant achievements in the business world and his leadership of Jewish communal institutions, including the national United Jewish Appeal, he came to the U.S. Senate, we appreciated how closely he worked with us when the Supreme Court struck down the right of military members to wear yarmulkes and led the way in passing legislation to restore that right. He was among the most outspoken Jewish members on the issue of religious liberty in the U.S.

As pointed out by Steve Benen, (via Hermant Mehta) Senator Lautenberg once insisted a resolution calling for the Ten Commandments to be displayed in government buildings must include the phrase “as long as it is consistent with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.” He also urged then Senate Leader Bill Frist to rescind an invitation to Texas trouble-maker David Barton for a tour of the Capitol with U.S Senators due to Barton’s outspoken view that America is a “Christian nation.” Senator Lautenberg was also a reliable opponent of school vouchers and supported the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
He will be missed as a voice of strength and reason on the issue of church-state separation.