
From BJC Staff Reports

Support for school vouchers is falling nationwide and is at a record-level low, according to a poll released Aug. 21.

The annual Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup poll of the public’s attitudes toward public schools found that 70 percent of respondents opposed plans to shift public funding into private and religious schools through voucher plans. The number opposing vouchers is the highest it has been in the 20-year history of this poll. The published report noted that, while Americans oppose vouchers, they do support public charter schools, home schooling and online learning.

The National Coalition for Public Education, which opposes funneling public money to private and religious schools, touted the findings. The Baptist Joint Committee is a longtime member of the NCPE.

“The American people want a well-funded public school system that benefits all, not a patchwork of unaccountable private schools that cater to a few,” said Maggie Garrett, co-chair of NCPE.

From the September 2013 Report from the Capital. Click here for the next article.