As we prepare for an onslaught of discriminatory policies, many of which will be cloaked in the language of Christian nationalism, we can learn from our past and from Dr. King’s prophetic witness about speaking truth to power and acting in faithful resistance to unjust systems.
The response we need in this moment of crisis for many of our neighbors and our country is a recommitment to involvement in our democracy by every person.
These experiences of on-the-ground advocacy have shown me just how empowering, effective, and yes, even fun, it is to be an active part of a democratic movement pushing back against a bold attempt to create a theocracy, starting in the public schools.
It can be tempting to throw our hands up and withdraw from the increasingly toxic political environment. But such a response, I believe, would betray Jesus’ teaching for us to give to God the things that are God’s and to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.
“On a beautiful March evening in the nation’s Capitol building, I experienced a hopeful moment of representative democracy,” writes Amanda Tyler about her experience attending the State of the Union address.