Where do we go from here?

The response we need in this moment of crisis for many of our neighbors and our country is a recommitment to involvement in our democracy by every person.

Do something

These experiences of on-the-ground advocacy have shown me just how empowering, effective, and yes, even fun, it is to be an active part of a democratic movement pushing back against a bold attempt to create a theocracy, starting in the public schools.

Being Baptist in an election year

It can be tempting to throw our hands up and withdraw from the increasingly toxic political environment. But such a response, I believe, would betray Jesus’ teaching for us to give to God the things that are God’s and to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.

Democracy in action

“On a beautiful March evening in the nation’s Capitol building, I experienced a hopeful moment of representative democracy,” writes Amanda Tyler about her experience attending the State of the Union address.

Extremists for justice

We live in an extreme moment — one that calls us to be extremists: extremists for justice, extremists for love.