Tornado coverage highlights voluntary religion and diversity

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
While conflicts over the role of religion in society will persist, we are fortunate. Our country protects religious freedom and preserves the religious peace by keeping the government out of the religion business, protecting the rights of the religious and non-religious alike.

From the June 2013 Report from the Capital

Protecting religious freedom in schools

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
While Supreme Court decisions and other constitutional principles governing religion in the public schools are firmly settled, there is always a steady stream of controversies over religion in the public schools.

From the March 2013 Report from the Capital.

Government interests and religious objections

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
Now that the presidential election of 2012 is over, perhaps we will hear fewer claims that religious liberty is under attack. There is little evidence that such rhetoric affected the election’s outcome, but there are plenty of worries that the public’s understanding of religious liberty has been harmed.

From the November/December 2012 Report from the Capital

Celebration of a new beginning highlights the BJC’s collaborative work

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
With the opening of the Center for Religious Liberty, the BJC is poised to strengthen its advocacy in the nation’s capital and beyond. As we celebrate this new beginning, we also rededicate ourselves to our mission and to expanding our reach in the future.

Conscience, contraception and conflict over religious freedom

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
The constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act is clearly the biggest story in the ongoing national health care debate. A significant subplot, however, is the implementation of rules requiring contraception coverage in health insurance plans as applied to objecting religious employers. …
From the April 2012 Report from the Capital