Ready to Take Action! – Advocacy and talkback session

Sat, 11/13/21
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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On November 11-13, attend “Reimagining Religious Freedom: Moving from Education to Advocacy” hosted by the Reimagine Religious Freedom Mobile Institute, Public Theology and Racial Justice Collaborative at Vanderbilt Divinity School and the Center for Faith, Justice, and Reconciliation.

On Saturday, Nov. 13, at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, BJC Advocacy and Outreach Manager Jaziah Masters and BJC Director of Education Charles Watson Jr. will lead a session on faith-based advocacy and demonstrate how to conduct visits with congressional staff members. Jaziah and Charles also will highlight BJC’s ongoing advocacy efforts including the Save Oak Flat Act (H.R. 1884/S. 915) and the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign.

Following their presentation, at 11 a.m. there will be an informational session facilitated by the Rev. Rochelle Andrews. It will provide the opportunity to learn about the Faith and Politics Immersion Experience with the Center for Public Theology at Wesley Theological Seminary.

These events are part of the entire three-day conference, hosting public conversations to explore the politics of race and religious freedom by centering African Americans’ historical and contemporary experiences on issues of environmental justice, reproductive health, and voting rights in the United States. During this program, participants will hear from scholars, policy advocates, and community leaders who are making invaluable contributions to these critical discussions. This program is designed to encourage participants to think through practical ways to take action on religious freedom issues in their community and context. Participants will engage in small group discussions, a community talkback session and explore opportunities to mobilize on these advocacy issues together.

BJC is a co-sponsor of “Reimagining Religious Freedom: Moving from Education to Advocacy,” and it is made possible through the generous support from the Henry Luce Foundation.

The three-day event is free and open to all. You can learn more and register at this link.