New York transit authority scraps logo requirement

Written by Cherilyn Crowe
New York City’s transportation authority announced it will drop a policy that required Muslim and Sikh employees to put the agency’s logo on their religious headgear, according to the New York Daily News.
From the May 2012 Report from the Capital

Working from the wilderness

Greetings from the Baptist Joint Committee in exile! In exile? No, there has not been a coup. And, no, we have not left town for a foreign country. We are still on Capitol Hill, but we have recently left our familiar digs on the third floor of the Veterans of Foreign...

Two new religious freedom council picks criticized

From Associated Baptist Press, Religion News Service and BJC Staff Reports
Two new commissioners appointed to an independent panel that advises the State Department on international religious freedom violations are drawing criticism for holding views described as out of the mainstream.
From the April 2012 Report from the Capital

Conscience, contraception and conflict over religious freedom

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
The constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act is clearly the biggest story in the ongoing national health care debate. A significant subplot, however, is the implementation of rules requiring contraception coverage in health insurance plans as applied to objecting religious employers. …
From the April 2012 Report from the Capital

Religious freedom in the workplace

By Nan Futrell, BJC Staff CounselThis month, the BJC was invited to speak via Skype to members of the First Baptist Church of Tallahassee, Fla., who have recently organized a church initiative called WorkFaith. The group, which meets monthly for lunch hour discussion...

Religious freedom in the workplace: more information

This sidebar goes with Nan Futrell’s article “Religious freedom in the workplace”Religious Expression in American Public Life: A Joint Statement of Current LawIn 2010, a diverse group of participants, including the Baptist Joint Committee, released...