Moving faith freedom forward: Our next chapter
Moving faith freedom forward will take all of us working together, drawing on our personal experiences, sharing our unique perspectives, and listening to and learning from each other as equals.
Moving faith freedom forward will take all of us working together, drawing on our personal experiences, sharing our unique perspectives, and listening to and learning from each other as equals.
How can we respond when we see our faith and democracy under siege? Four leaders explore ways to combat the dangerous ideology of Christian nationalism.
If my monthly donation broadens BJC’s scope to reach people like me in any way, I will continue to faithfully give, and I’d invite others to do the same.
With the world changing rapidly and emotions flaring quickly, our task now at hand is to re-imagine BJC’s mission at the intersection of racial justice and religious freedom.
With so many pressing challenges facing our country, we know that many specific policy changes will take time. In the meantime, here’s what we think the Biden administration should do.
Before we white people speak, we need to listen. BJC is doing just that this year, as we focus on learning from BIPOC scholars, theologians, preachers, writers, philosophers, poets, prophets and podcasters about faith freedom for all. We are intentionally working to decenter the voices that have taken up almost all of the conversation about religious freedom to this point.