Sex, race and civil discourse
Today, religious communities must lead by example to engage in civil dialogue and mediate deep differences of opinion and belief.
Today, religious communities must lead by example to engage in civil dialogue and mediate deep differences of opinion and belief.
Religious liberty for all will only be a reality when we revise any theology or ideology that renders some of our neighbors to be less than human.
James E. Wood Jr., the accomplished author and scholar who led the Baptist Joint Committee in the 1970s, passed away March 24, 2019, at age 96. A former missionary and professor, Wood left his mark on the church-state field around the world through his academic pursuits, personal work and eight years leading BJC.
The 116th Congress made headlines for all the diversity barriers it has broken, especially in terms of religious belief and female representation. The new Congress — whose members were sworn in on January 3 — more accurately reflects the racial and religious makeup of the United States than previous Congresses.
The Court is being urged to weaken the standards that keep government from preferring one religion over another.
Those who care about religious liberty in this country need to know about Dunn v. Ray and its astonishing display of Christian preferentialism that threatens everyone’s religious freedom.