Tyler to Congress: We must attend to current religious liberty challenges
“Maintaining the United States’ strong leadership in defending religious liberty around the world requires that we attend to challenges at home as well as abroad.”
“Maintaining the United States’ strong leadership in defending religious liberty around the world requires that we attend to challenges at home as well as abroad.”
After 82 years of faithful service, the BJC’s enduring mission now lives in a new and fluid environment. It would be easy to be discouraged by the current reality, but we are not.
The United States’ legal tradition of protecting religious liberty seldom operates in absolute terms; religious liberty is not protected the same way in every context.
Approximately one in three countries has at least one blasphemy law on the books, which are common tools used by governments in oppressing freedom of belief and expression.
On March 26-27, the Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins will deliver the 2019 Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State in the greater Kansas City area.
Organizations like the BJC are active in fighting hate. Safety is no longer just an illusion or willful denial – it’s simply not a reality for many.