A Rhode Island Pilgrimage
Walking the hallowed ground of America’s commitment to religious liberty in Rhode Island is a pilgrimage for any Baptist and a reminder of how important it is to defend this freedom for all.
Walking the hallowed ground of America’s commitment to religious liberty in Rhode Island is a pilgrimage for any Baptist and a reminder of how important it is to defend this freedom for all.
We can pursue unity in these divided times by recommitting ourselves – Republicans and Democrats – to living up to the principle of religious non-favoritism.
Judge Kavanaugh appears to favor more government support and sponsorship of religion and less concern for individual religious freedom.
When viewed in light of Justice Kennedy’s church-state legacy and ongoing conflicts, it is clear that living up to our country’s promise of religious liberty for all remains an uphill battle.
BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler shares a learning experience she had during the summer of 2018.
At the 2018 Religious Liberty Council Luncheon, hundreds of religious liberty supporters gathered to hear from members of each class of BJC Fellows, who shared their individual journeys and how they’re putting the Program’s teachings to use in their everyday settings.