For those of us who pay special attention to the guarantees of religious freedom in our laws, Constitution Day is an important reminder that the extent of those protections we cherish today was not inevitable at our nation’s founding.
As we mark the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, among the legacies being remembered is the disturbing rise in anti-Muslim hostility here in the United States that followed that tragic day.
The Supreme Court granted a late-night reprieve to a Texas death row inmate and added a new case to its schedule — the first consideration of a request related to the activities of the minister in the execution chamber.
Each vaccine mandate dispute is unique, from the beliefs of the plaintiff and the specific language in the mandate or exemption policy in question to the actions of officials and the state laws that govern them.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to halt a mask mandate in Lansing, Michigan, for schoolchildren grades K-5 attending religious schools.
New Hampshire is the latest state to enact legislation in response to the controversies surrounding COVID-related restrictions on worship services.