Courtroom interior_newWritten by Don Byrd

The Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled Friday that the state’s non-discrimination laws do not permit a baker to refuse wedding cake service to same-sex couples, regardless of his religious beliefs. Jack Phillips argued that his First Amendment rights were violated by the requirement, but the commission rejected that position, affirming an administrative judge’s previous ruling.

The Denver Post has more:

“At first blush, it may seem reasonable that a private business should be able to refuse service to anyone it chooses,” the judge wrote. “This view, however, fails to take into account the cost to society and the hurt caused to persons who are denied service simply because of who they are.”

Spencer said the cake shop owner’s argument “would allow a business that served all races to nonetheless refuse to serve an interracial couple because of the business owner’s bias against interracial marriage.”

Phillips was ordered to change company policy and re-train employees accordingly. He is reportedly considering an appeal of the decision.