James Dunn Legacy Circle

All who make an estate gift to BJC automatically become members of the James Dunn Legacy Circle.
Planned giving helps us consider what and when to give, as well as how to structure philanthropic contributions to meet our personal financial goals.
“I chose to leave the BJC in our estate plan because the separation of church and state, as explained by the BJC, is an essential corollary of the deeply held theology of Baptists in our dedication to soul freedom.”
James Dunn, 1932-2015
Executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee from 1981-1999

James Dunn Legacy Circle
James M. Dunn (1932-2015) was executive director of BJC from 1981-1999, and he is well-known for his stalwart defense of religious liberty, contributions throughout Baptist life, pithy turns of phrase, and ubiquitous bow tie. Dunn led BJC through one of the most difficult periods in its history—the departure of one of its founding member bodies.
BJC chose to name our planned giving program after Dunn in order to recognize his important role in our history. In addition, Dunn and his wife, Marilyn, created an estate plan that bequests a generous gift to BJC in their will.
“I choose to leave the BJC in our estate plan because the separation of church and state, as explained by the BJC, is an essential corollary of the deeply held theology of Baptists in our dedication to soul freedom, which speaks not only to the competency of the individual before God but to the belief that all humanity is created in the image of God. Universal human rights, then, become the natural outgrowth of seminal soul freedom.
“Those who accept and foster these beliefs reflect that intentionality in making a planned gift to the BJC. This affirms the uniqueness of the BJC among religious freedom advocates. The BJC alone supports goals, purposes, and actions which are deeply theologically rooted.”
If you have included BJC in your estate plans or would like more information about naming us as a beneficiary of a will or retirement plan, click here to fill out the simple form or contact the development office at 202-544-4226 or [email protected].
Members of the James Dunn Legacy Circle will receive:
- Recognition in Report from the Capital and on our website
- Invitations to special events
- James Dunn Legacy Circle lapel pin
Members List
Rev. Alyssa A. Aldape
Patricia Shield Ayres
Martin and Ruth Bradley*
Rosemary Brevard
Kent and Ann Brown
C. S. Burgess, Jr.* and Wilma B. Burgess*
William and Betty L. Byrd
Rev. Steven C. Case* and Mrs. Diane Case
Hardy Clemons
Reba S. Cobb
Grady C. Cothen*
Anita Snell Daniels
George and Liz Daniels
Shuford and Faye Davis
Kenneth V. and Sally* Lewis Dodgson
Aubrey Ducker and Laurie Weatherford
Dr. James M.* and Mrs. Marilyn Dunn
Sue and Lloyd Elder
Rev. J. Wesley* and Mrs. Gwen Forsline
Bob and Anne Fowler
David and Stephanie Garrard
William R. Genet
Susan E. Gillies
Andrea and Daniel Glaze
Susan and Hugh Greene
Todd Heifner
Katherine A. Howell
Robert R. Hudson
Jim and Linda Huff
Barbara Humphrys
Dr. Lynwood B. and Mrs. Virginia P. Jenkins
Dwight and Karin Jessup
Hershel and Elizabeth Johnson
Joseph M. and Frances E. Jones
A. Moncrief (Monty)* and Diane Owen Jordan
Warren R. Magnuson*
Madison R. McClendon
Reggie and Joan* McDonough
S. Carter and Audrey L. McNeese
Dr. Richard V. and Mrs. Charlene B. Pierard
Ella Wall Prichard
J. George and Susan Evans Reed
Pauletta R. Reeves
Revs. Drs. Barbara and Robert Reid
Layne and Dianne Smith
Marylee C. Sturgis*
Carol Franklin Sutton
James R. Thomason
Brent and Nancy Walker
Gary Walker
Clement H. and Carole G. White
Rev. Hays Wiltshire
Donor Story
“I know, too, that although my retirement accounts are small, after a long career of dedicated saving, they will be much larger in the future. Given all BJC does educating our community, hosting and traveling to events, advocating for our values with legislators and judges, and proclaiming our commitments in the public square every day, I am thrilled to know that one day I might be able to make a much larger gift to this work than I ever could during my lifetime, simply by living and saving as I am now.”