cbs_logoWASHINGTON — In a program scheduled for broadcast in December on the CBS Television Network, Baptist Joint Committee General Counsel K. Hollyn Hollman speaks to the principles inherent in religious freedom and how the BJC works to protect those rights for all citizens. 
UPDATE: The program is now available online! Click here to watch it on the CBS website.

Details about the program, titled “Working for Religious Freedom,” were announced in a Nov. 20 press release from CBS.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees all citizens equal rights regardless of religion. But what does religious freedom mean in the most religiously diverse country in the world? This program explores this matter, particularly among our religious minorities. While the government remains neutral in matters of religion, some fringe groups create fear of “the other” through hate speech and even violence. To counter this, watchdog organizations and religious scholars work to protect this freedom for religious minorities.

Also featured in the program are Charles C. Haynes, a senior scholar with the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center, who speaks about the great threat to religious freedom present today; the Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy, president of the Interfaith Alliance; and representatives of The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), who address “Islamophobia” and how anti-Muslim sentiment is affecting the civil and religious rights of the Muslim community.

In the special, Rajdeep Singh, director of law and policy for The Sikh Coalition’s, discusses the efforts to bring equal protection under the law to the Sikh Community and Dr. Chris Seiple, president of The Institute for Global Engagement (IGE), speaks about protecting religious freedom worldwide.

The executive producer is John P. Blessington, and Liz Kineke is the producer.  It is produced in cooperation with The National Council of Churches, a consortium of Roman Catholic organizations, The Islamic Society of North America, The Union of Reform Judaism, and the New York Board of Rabbis.

The program is a CBS Interfaith Special. Check with your local CBS station for exact broadcast time or find your station in the alphabetized list below:

NALB Alexandria, LA 12/9 7AM
KTVA Anchorage, AK 12/9 5:30AM
WRDW Augusta-Aiken 12/16 8:30AM (ERDW)
WJZ Baltimore, MD 12/16 4:30AM
WABI Bangor, ME 12/22 2:30PM
WAFB Baton Rouge, LA 12/9 10AM (on alternate station WBXH)
KFDM Beaumont-Port Arthur 12/22 6:00AM
KBNZ-LD Bend, OR 12/9 5AM
KTVQ Billings, MT 12/23 11:00AM
WIAT Birmingham (Anniston and Tuscaloosa) 12/15 4:30AM
WVNS Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill (Lewisburg) (West Virginia) 12/16 5:00AM
KBOI Boise, ID 12/9 6:00AM
WBZ Boston (Manchester) 12/15 3:05AM
ENKY Bowling Green, KY 12/9 11:00AM
KXLF Butte-Bozeman MT 12/23 11:00AM
KBZK – S Butte-Bozeman MT 12/23 11:00AM
KGWC Casper-Riverton (Lander/Rock Springs) 12/9 6:00AM
KGWL – S Casper-Riverton (Lander/Rock Springs) 12/9 6:00AM
KGWR – S Casper-Riverton (Lander/Rock Springs) 12/9 6:00AM
WCSC Charleston, SC 12/9 7:30AM (on alternate station DCSC)
WOWK Charleston-Huntington 12/16 5:00AM
WDEF Chattanooga, TN 12/9 12:30AM
WBBM Chicago 12/9 12:30PM
WKRC Cincinnati, OH 12/16 6:00AM
WDTV Clarksburg-Weston 12/9 7:00AM
KKTV Colorado Springs-Pueblo 12/9 6:30AM
WCBI Columbus-Tupelo-W Pnt-Hstn 12/14 4:05AM
KZTV Corpus Christi, TX 12/9 7:00AM
KTVT Dallas, TX 12/16 5:30AM
KCNC Denver, CO 12/9 5:00AM
KCCI Des Moines-Ames 12/29 12PM
WWJ Detroit, MI 12/9 6:00AM
WSEE Erie, PA 12/22 2:30PM
KVAL Eugene, OR (Coos Bay/Roseburg) 12/9 10:30AM
KCBY – S Eugene, OR (Coos Bay/Roseburg) 12/9 10:30AM
KPIC – S Eugene, OR (Coos Bay/Roseburg) 12/9 10:30AM
KVIQ Eureka, CA 12/9 10:00AM
WEVV Evansville, IN 12/16 5:00AM
K13XD Fairbanks, AK 12/9 5:00AM
WNEM Flint-Saginaw-Bay City 1/1 12:30PM
WINK Ft. Myers-Naples 12/9 5AM
KFSM Ft. Smith-Fay-Sprngdl-Rgrs 12/9 4:30AM
WANE Ft. Wayne, IN 12/15 12PM
KGPE Fresno-Visilia 12/9 5:00AM
WGFL Gainesville, FL 12/23 11:30AM
KXGN Glendive, MT 12/9 10:00AM
KRTV Great Falls, MT 12/23 11:00AM
WFRV Green Bay-Appleton 12/9 1AM
WFMY Greensboro-H.Point-W.Salem 12/16 5:00AM
WNCT Greenville-N.Bern-Washngtn 12/9 2:30AM
WSPA Greenville-Spart-Ashvll 12/15 12PM
WHLT Hattiesburg-Laurel 12/15 4:30AM
KXLH-LD -S Helena, MT 12/23 11:00AM
KGMB Honolulu, HI 12/9 1:30AM
WHNT Huntsville-Decatur (Flor) 12/9 5:30AM
KIDK Idaho Fals-Pocatllo(Jcksn) 12/9 6:30AM
WISH Indianapolis, IN 12/22 12PM
WJTV Jackson, MS 12/15 4:30AM
WTEV Jacksonville, FL 12/9 7:30AM
WTAJ Johnstown-Altoona-St Colge 12/9 8:00AM
KOAM Joplin-Pittsburg 12/15 5:00PM
KXLJ-LD Juneau (Sitka/Ketchikan) AK 12/9 4:00AM
KTNL – S Juneau (Sitka/Ketchikan) AK 12/9 4:00AM
KUBD – S Juneau (Sitka/Ketchikan) AK 12/9 4:00AM
WVLT Knoxville, TN 12/9 2AM
WKBT La Crosse-Eau Claire 12/25 6PM  and 12/25 9PM on alternate station EKBT
KLFY Lafayette, LA 12/22 11:30AM
WLFI Lafayette, IN 12/22 11:30AM
WLNS Lansing, MI 12/16 4:00AM
EOHL Lima, OH 12/9 8:00AM
KVTV Laredo, TX 12/9 7:00AM
KOLN Lincoln & Hastings-Krny (Grand Island) 12/9 6:30AM
KGIN – S Lincoln & Hastings-Krny (Grand Island) 12/9 6:30AM
KTHV Little Rock-Pine Bluff 12/16 5:00AM
KCBS Los Angeles, CA 12/9 5:00AM
KLBK Lubbock, TX 12/9 12:35AM
WMAZ Macon, GA 12/16 5:30AM
KEYC Mankato, MN 12/9 12:00PM
WJMN – S Marquette, MI (Escanaba) 12/9 2AM
WREG Memphis, TN 12/16 2:22AM
WMDN Meridian, MS 12/9 7:00am
WFOR Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 12/9 6:30AM
KCCO – S Minneapolis-St. Paul (Alexandria/Walker) 12/9 4:30AM
KCCW – S Minneapolis-St. Paul (Alexandria/Walker) 12/9 4:30AM
WCCO Minneapolis-St. Paul (Alexandria/Walker) 12/9 4:30AM
KPAX Missoula, MT (Kalispell) 12/23 11:00AM
KAJJ – S Missoula, MT (Kalispell) 12/23 11:00AM
WKRG Mobile-Pensacola (Ft Walt) 12/14 2:05AM
KION Monterey-Salinas 12/9 2:00AM
WTVF Nashville, TN 12/25 11AM
WWL New Orleans, LA 12/9 4:00AM
WCBS New York, NY 12/22 1:00PM
WTKR Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws 12/9 2:05AM
KOSA Odessa-Midland 12/9 7:00AM
KMTV Omaha, NE 12/15 4AM
WKMG Orlando-Daytona Bch-Melbrn 12/9 2AM
KFVS Paducah-Cape Girard-Harsbg 12/16 5:30AM
NESQ Palm Springs 12/9 5:00AM
KYW Philadelphia, PA 12/15 12:00PM
KDKA Pittsburgh, PA 12/9 2:35AM
KOIN Portland, OR 12/9 5:00AM
KHQA Quincy-Hannibal-Keokuk 12/9 6:30AM
KCLO – S Rapid City 12/9 5:30AM
KTVN Reno, NV 12/9 5:00AM
WTVR Richmond-Petersburg 12/8 5:30AM
WIFR Rockford, IL 12/9 2:05AM
KOVR Sacramento-Stkton-Modesto 12/9 5:00AM
KFMB San Diego, CA 12/9 5:00AM
KPIX San Francisco-Oak-San Jose 12/9 5:00AM
KCOY SantaBarbra-SanMar-SanLuOb 12/9 2:00AM
KXII Sherman-Ada 12/9 7:00AM
KELO Sioux Falls(Mitchell) (Florence/Reliance) 12/9 6:30AM
KDLO – S Sioux Falls(Mitchell) (Florence/Reliance) 12/9 6:30AM
KPLO – S Sioux Falls(Mitchell) (Florence/Reliance) 12/9 6:30AM
WTSP Tampa-St. Pete (Sarasota) 12/9 8:00AM
KOLD Tucson (Sierra Vista) 12/9 11:30PM
KYTX Tyler-Longview(Lfkn&Ncgd) 12/9 7:00AM
KWTX Waco-Temple-Bryan 12/16 6AM
KBTX Waco-Temple-Bryan 12/16 6AM
WUSA Washington, DC (Hagrstwn) 12/16 5:30AM
WSAW Wausau-Rhinelander 1/1 12PM
WPEC West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce 12/15 12:30PM
WTRF Wheeling-Steubenville 12/16 5:00AM
KAUZ Wichita Falls & Lawton 12/9 7AM
WILM-LD Wilmington, NC 12/15 5AM
WKBN Youngstown, OH 12/10 3:07AM
KSWT Yuma-El Centro 12/9 6:00AM