This is a list of recent gifts to the Baptist Joint Committee which were given in honor of or in memory of others.

In honor of John Minott
by John B. Butler

In honor of Dean Stewart
by Genetha B. McRoy

In honor of Brent Walker and Holly Hollman
by Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden

In memory of William Horace Boyette
by Lewis and Karen Liles

In memory of Lindsey E. Martin
by Laveta M. Martin

In memory of Loyd M. Starrett
by Elaine Starrett

You can honor someone with a gift to the Baptist Joint Committee at any time. Just send a note with your check, or give at and check the box to designate your gift in honor or memory of someone.

If you have questions, contact Development Director Taryn Deaton at [email protected].

From the May 2013 Report from the Capital. Click here for the next article.