church and state hi res_new
Written by Don Byrd
A new book explaining the basic issues and central importance of church-state separation from the Baptist perspective is now available! The book, What a Touchy Subject! Religious Liberty and Church-State Separation, is a compilation of last year’s Shurden Lectures, delivered by the Baptist Joint Committee’s Executive Director, J. Brent Walker. It also includes material on the BJC, and essays on the intersection of religion and politics.

You can find the book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or as an e-book at!

The three lectures are titled:

1. First Principles: God-Given, But Government Protected

2. First Freedom: Accommodate Religion, But Don’t Advance It

3. Religion and Politics: How Did We Do in 2012?

In his Preface, Walker says the lectures “seek to clear up common, and often controversial, misconceptions regarding church-state issues.” If that is of interest to you, check it out!

While I’m on the subject, this year’s Shurden Lectures are just around the corner, April 1-2 at Baylor University. See here for more info.