Open House at the new Baptist Joint Committee on Religious Liberty 

By BJC Staff Reports

Tickets are on sale for the 2015 Religious Liberty Council Luncheon, to be held Friday, June 19, in Dallas, Texas, in conjunction with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly. The event is open to the public, but you must have a ticket to attend.

Tickets are $40 each. If you are a minister with five years or less experience, you have the opportunity to purchase a ticket for the luncheon at a discounted price of $20. Generous donors have made this discount possible so more young ministers can attend the luncheon.

This is a unique event to connect with the BJC and other supporters of religious liberty. The keynote speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Marvin A. McMickle, president of Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School and the author of Pulpit & Politics: Separation of Church & State in the Black Church.

Visit to purchase tickets and learn more details. If you have questions, contact Development Director Taryn Deaton at [email protected].

Testimonial by Jenny Hodge

As a young minister, I am cognizant of my limited knowledge and language to correctly explain and support religious liberty in my context. Thus, attending the luncheon will allow an opportunity to gain knowledge of current religious liberty ideals and movements from the collective wisdom associated with the BJC.

The discounted price greatly influenced my decision as it made purchasing the ticket more feasible on a new minister’s budget than the original price. Although I would like to contribute more in the future, I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Luncheon as a young minister today.

I would say to young ministers who are unfamiliar with the BJC: this is an accessible introduction to learn about the goals and ideals of the BJC in protecting religious liberty for all. For young ministers who are familiar with the BJC: this is a prime opportunity to demonstrate support for the BJC’s mission.


This is the last article in the May 2015 Report from the Capital. Click here to return to the cover story.

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