American flag waving in blue sky
Written by Don Byrd

The Oak Creek, Wisconsin community came together and embraced the Sikh community following a gunman’s attack earlier this year. But they haven’t stopped there. Education continues.

Manbeena Kaur, education director for the [national Sikh]coalition, gave presentations to the Oak Creek Police Department and a group of city employees Monday and will be in Oak Creek and Elmbrook schools later this week.

“There’s definitely a willingness for people to embrace Sikhs now,” Kaur said in an interview following her presentation at Oak Creek City Hall. “That’s why this is such a crucial moment for both the non-Sikh community as well as the Sikh community to start having those conversations and open other doors to each other.”

There is no one magic law, or even amendment to the Constitution, that can make us live together in peace across religious divides. The need to know and understand each other requires education, communication, commitment. Having laws in place the allow the freedom to begin is just that – the beginning.