cross and clouds
Written by Don Byrd
State Representatives in Oklahoma are following Texas’ lead by attempting to pass a bill protecting expressions of Christmas in public schools. The bill “calls for more protections for Christmas and how it’s celebrated in schools, such as religion based greetings and nativity scenes.” But as the the ACLU’s Brady Henderson points out, eventually those supposed protections are going to run into a higher power: the US Constitution.

Henderson…feels it only gives schools false hope.

“Encourages schools to violate the constitution. And by doing so get involved with legal rights and be unsuccessful,” said the ACLU’s Brady Henderson.

Henderson said the separation of church and state and the federal level will eventually overrule in court. And that will result in financial troubles for the schools.

“This is a way legislators can score political points with the cost being born by school districts,” Henderson said.

Texas’ “Merry Christmas” bill was passed earlier this year.  Do these bills serve any real purpose? Students have broad religious freedom rights in public schools – certainly the right to tell one another “Merry Christmas.” What is this really about? Candy canes with religious messages?