Working toward opportunities for all: BJC staff Q&A with Julia Bradley

Jun 23, 2023

As the donor database coordinator, Julia Bradley makes sure BJC has clean and helpful donor data and information. Born in Austin, Texas, Julia spent a great deal of her formative years in Greenville, North Carolina, and she earned a degree from Samford University.


What does faith freedom mean to you?
My faith – and the way that I practice it – is so meaningful to me that I feel a responsibility to create and work towards the opportunity for all people to fully exercise their faith in a way that is meaningful to them.


What have you been watching and listening to lately?
Currently, I am watching “Grand Crew” on Peacock, reading She Has Her Mother’s Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity by Carl Zimmer, and I am ALWAYS listening to a podcast. Nothing is better than walking on the trails near my apartment while listening to the “Normal Gossip” podcast. For music, I’m currently very into the cast album for Parade


Who inspires you?
Kate Bowler and Erin Moon.


What’s one thing you’ve accomplished at BJC that makes you proud?
I’m proud of working to scale the BJC database and our online giving platforms for the intake of the tens of thousands of people who signed the Christians Against Christian Nationalism statement.