BJC Podcasts

The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty’s podcasts feature some of our most popular lectures, in-depth discussions of current events and analysis of church-state issues.
You can listen to or download the podcasts below, and you can subscribe to our Apple Podcasts (iTunes) channel or our podcast RSS feed for the latest releases. We’re also on SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher and on Google Podcasts. Have a podcast feed where you want to hear us? Let us know!
Have a question or a topic you want to hear discussed in a future podcast? Contact us at [email protected].
Special podcast series: Christian nationalism
BJC is currently producing a 10-week podcast series on Christian nationalism, examining what it is, how it shows up in our culture, and what people are doing about it. Episodes are released each Wednesday from July 29 until October 2.
What’s the antidote to Christian nationalism? To conclude our podcast series, we take a look at what it means to embrace civic pluralism with Eboo Patel, the founder and president of Interfaith Youth Core. He talks with BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler about the difference in religious and civic pluralism, the origins of the term “Judeo-Christian,” connections between anti-Muslim bigotry and anti-Catholic bigotry, and how we can create a “potluck nation,” where everyone brings their unique contributions to the table.
In light of our conversations about Christian nationalism, this podcast takes a broader view of work in the church-state realm. BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler is joined by Rabbi Ambassador David Saperstein, Melissa Rogers and BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman to look at the challenges to our constitutional commitment to religious liberty for all people. As they note, disagreement on the proper application of the First Amendment’s religion clauses is not necessarily evidence of Christian nationalism. Hear them discuss the complexity in this area of the law, the role of religion in public life, the dangers of government promotion of religion, how the Supreme Court tends to interpret the religion clauses, the protections provided by the separation of church and state, and more.
Ep. 08: Christian nationalism and white nationalism
As we continue to explore the overlap of Christian nationalism and white supremacy, this week’s episode looks at their connection and the impact on communities. Hear from the Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins about race, reconciliation, religious liberty, Christian supremacy and more in this wide-ranging conversation with BJC’s Amanda Tyler. Wright-Riggins has more than 40 years of community and congregational service, and he currently serves as the co-executive director of the New Baptist Covenant.
Ep. 07: Christian nationalism, race and white supremacy
What is the connection between the history of racism and Christian nationalism? On this podcast, Jemar Tisby shares a historical view of white Christian nationalism in America, including how conflations of politics, race and religion in our past continue to impact conversations today. The author of The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism, Tisby discusses how American Christianity and racism have overlapped for more than 400 years, including examples across several centuries of history. Don’t miss this important conversation to better understand our country’s origins and how we can work together to dismantle the idea of white Christian nationalism.
Ep. 06: Standing against Project Blitz in a state legislature
What happens when bills influenced by Christian nationalism appear in state legislatures? Minnesota State Sen. John Marty discusses his experience standing against legislation from the “Project Blitz” playbook in this episode of our podcast series on Christian nationalism. He talks about how his Christian faith influences his work defending the rights of all people, and he shares stories about the pushback and accusations he received as he worked to make sure his faith isn’t used to crush others.
Ep. 05: Understanding Project Blitz
“Project Blitz,” a coordinated effort to draft and pass bills informed by Christian nationalism, is showing up in state legislatures across the country. What is this effort, and what are its goals? Frederick Clarkson, the writer who broke the story about Project Blitz, discusses its origins, motivations and definitions of success.
Ep. 04: Theological view of Christian nationalism with Walter Brueggemann
What does the Bible have to teach us about Christian nationalism? How does that political ideology undermine the Christian faith and the nature of God? Author and scholar Walter Brueggemann talks about the theological dangers of Christian nationalism in the fourth episode of our podcast series. Don’t miss his thoughts on what the prophets have to teach us about our current times, the importance of the crucifixion and resurrection narrative in these conversations, and what the Bible says about oppression, hope, truth and power.
Ep. 03: Were we founded as a Christian nation?
We take a look at the political and religious history behind the idea that the United States was founded as a “Christian nation.” BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler talks with Dr. Steven Green, author of Inventing a Christian America: The Myth of the Religious Founding, about the political history of this concept, including how, when and why it originated. On the second half of the episode, we hear from church historian Bill Leonard (starting at 21:38)on what religious leaders said and did during the founding of the United States and how that relates to the freedoms we have today.
Ep. 02: Academic view of Christian nationalism
Dr. Andrew Whitehead talks about his work researching Christian nationalism in the second episode of our special podcast series. A professor of sociology at Clemson University, he explains what Christian nationalism is, how he and other researchers measure the ideology, and how it affects the way individuals see the world.
Ep.01: Christian leaders on Christian nationalism
BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler speaks with five Christian leaders who are taking a stand against the dangerous ideology: a Catholic, a Quaker, a Lutheran, a Cooperative Baptist, and an American Baptist. Hear from Bishop Elizabeth Eaton of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (starting at 5:19); Rev. Dr. Paul Baxley of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (10:12); Diane Randall from the Friends Committee on National Legislation (15:02); Sister Simone Campbell of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice (19:14); and Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Haggray of American Baptist Home Mission Societies (23:13).
Recent podcasts
Recent podcasts
Why do pastors care about public schools?
In this episode of the BJC podcast, BJC’s Associate Director of Mobilization, Christine Browder, sat down with Rev. Charles F. Johnson of Pastors for Texas Children during Public Schools Week 2019 to discuss the role of faith leaders in supporting public dollars for public education.
Analysis of Bladensburg Cross Case oral arguments
BJC’s Amanda Tyler and Holly Hollman share their takeaways from the Feb. 27 oral arguments in the cross case. In this podcast, they discuss what it’s like going to the Court and being inside the courtroom with the justices (starting at 1:38), the “hot bench” as the first advocate for the government’s side began (starting at 4:40), the BJC’s brief and it being used in arguments (starting at 7:18), the presentation of the other two advocates representing the government’s side who discussed changing the “test” for cases involving an establishment of religion (starting at 11:31), the presentation of the American Humanist Association’s attorney (starting at 17:00), the tough decision facing the justices on the broadness of their ruling (22:15), and the scene after leaving the court and talking to the media (24:55). Click here for this podcast on its own page.
Bladensburg Cross Case
BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman discuss the case of The American Legion v. American Humanist Association.
Previewing the 2019 Shurden Lectures
The 2019 Shurden Lectures will be held in the greater Kansas City area in late March. In the latest BJC podcast, Aidsand Wright-Riggins, the 2019 lecturer, chats with Molly Marshall about what to expect at this year’s lectures.
2018 BJC Fellows
BJC Associate Director of Mobilization Christine Browder chats with two of the 2018 BJC Fellows, Tanner Bean and Claire Hein Blanton, about their experience at the BJC Fellows Seminar, what’s next for them, and why they choose to give to the BJC.
Brian Kaylor and Amanda Tyler
In this special BJC podcast, we bring you an interview of BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler by one of our partners. Brian Kaylor, the host of “Baptist Without an Adjective,” interviewed Tyler during her recent visit to Missouri.
Kaylor, who also serves as editor of Word & Way and the associate executive director of Churchnet, joins us for the first part of the podcast. Then, beginning at 6:10, you can hear Kaylor’s interview with Tyler, which covers her recent testimony before Congress, what she’s most excited about these days and more.
Amanda Tyler testifies before Congress
Take a listen to the congressional testimony of BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler from Oct. 2, 2018, when she spoke on threats to religious liberty around the world in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution. Visit our blog for more information about the hearing, including a video of the entire event.
In this episode of the BJC podcast, BJC Fellows took the stage and the floor at the 2018 Religious Liberty Council Luncheon in Dallas, Texas.
Pastor Stephen Cook on supporting the Johnson Amendment
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Cook, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, discusses why he supports the Johnson Amendment and how it protects houses of worship. Click here for more details on this podcast.
Recapping the 2018 Shurden Lectures
Buddy Shurden joins BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler in a discussion on the 2018 Shurden Lectures, the lectures’ history and Shurden’s interest in defending and extending religious liberty for all.
Charles Haynes previews the 2018 Shurden Lectures
Dr. Charles C. Haynes sits down with BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler to preview his upcoming presentations — focused on the rights of conscience — for the annual Shurden Lectures, coming to the campuses of Mercer University in Atlanta and Macon, Georgia, on March 20-21.
A look at the Johnson Amendment
with Amanda Tyler and Tim Delaney
Why do people of faith and charitable nonprofits want to keep the Johnson Amendment? BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and Tim Delaney, President and CEO of the National Council of Nonprofits, talk about this provision of the tax code that protects nonpartisanship in 501(c)(3) organizations. They review how people of faith and the nonprofit community are working to keep the Johnson Amendment, and they share how you can join them. Release date: Feb. 27, 2018.
Catching up with Roger Williams
The First Baptist Church in America chats with “Roger Williams” about his legacy in the creation of Baptist life in America.
MLK Day 2018
The First Baptist Church of Asheville has generously allowed the BJC to share a sermon by Minister Leah Brown, that recounts MLK’s legacy and impact.
Tyler and Hollman discuss Masterpiece Cakeshop case
BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman discuss the high-profile case heading to the U.S. Supreme Court on December 5.
Supporting the BJC Fellows Program on Giving Tuesday
Two BJC Fellows — Jaimie Crumley, a 2016 BJC Fellow (shown above on the right), and Kristen Nielsen Donnelly, a 2017 BJC Fellow, (shown above on the left) — share why they choose to support and contribute to the future of the BJC Fellows Program on Giving Tuesday.
Interview with 2017 Essay Contest Winner, Yusra Ahmed
The grand prize winner of the 2017 Religious Liberty Essay Contest, Yusra Ahmed, chats with Charles Watson Jr., BJC Education and Outreach Specialist, about her experience writing her winning essay and what she learned.
Foundations of religious liberty: A presentation by Holly Hollman
In honor of Constitution Day, listen to BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman give a lecture on the foundations of religious liberty, including how the Constitution protects our first freedom.
The National Sikh Campaign’s Gurwin Ahuja on the importance of knowing your neighbor
Ahuja, who created the Know Your Neighbor Campaign, explains his passion for religious liberty advocacy and what he hopes to do now that his job with Obama White House is over. (Released on 02/24/17)
Amanda Tyler and Brent Walker on the future of the BJC
The BJC executive director and her predecessor talk about the state of religious liberty and challenges moving forward (Released on 01/17/17)
Maya Boddie and Stephen Guzman on the BJC internship program
Our fall 2016 interns talk about what it’s like to spend a semester working alongside BJC staff on Capitol Hill (Released on 12/28/16)
Raphael G. Warnock on religious liberty and the black church
In his lecture from the BJC symposium Religious Liberty and the Black Church, the pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta discusses the subject from historical and theological perspectives (Released on 12/19/16)
Stan Hastey on BJC history, religious liberty and speaking up
The former BJC staff member and Alliance of Baptists executive director looks back on the partnerships and conflicts that have shaped Baptist life since the BJC’s creation in 1936. (Released on 10/28/16)
BJC supporter Mark Wiggs
Former BJC board chair and Religious Liberty Council co-chair Mark Wiggs looks back on supporting the BJC, as well as his friendships with Brent Walker and James Dunn. (Released 09/13/16)
Beth Echols on working for the BJC in the 1960s
A passionate Baptist and religious liberty supporter, Echols found a home at the Baptist Joint Committee. She recalls fighting sexism, covering Congress and the brilliance of Dr. Emanuel Carlson (Released 08/26/16)
Hollman and Hawks on Trinity Lutheran v. Pauley
BJC General Counsel Holly Hollman and Associate General Counsel Jennifer Hawks break down the BJC’s friend-of-the-court brief in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley (Released 07/13/16)
Walker and Hawks on Zubik v. Burwell oral arguments
BJC Executive Director Brent Walker and Associate General Counsel Jennifer Hawks recap the oral argument in Zubik v. Burwell and the atmosphere inside and outside of the Court (Released 03/21/16)
Hollman on Zubik v. Burwell
General Counsel Holly Hollman discusses the BJC’s friend-of-the-court brief in the case ahead of the March 23 oral arguments (03/03/16)