Recent News & Columns

Here are recent columns and news items from the Baptist Joint Committee. Visit our blog and read our monthly magazine, Report from the Capital, to stay current on all religious liberty news. You can also read our press releases online.


For press inquiries, contact:
Cherilyn Crowe
Director of Communications
[email protected]
202-544-4226 x 305
Cell: 202-670-5877

Lead the Conversation. A Role for Everyone.

Lead the Conversation. A Role for Everyone.

You are the reason BJC has been able to make such great strides this year. First of all, thank you. You’ve joined impactful campaigns, such as Christians Against Christian Nationalism, and listened to and shared our 10-part podcast series of thoughtful conversations...

Troubling Q&A on tax exemption for churches during presidential candidate town hall

Troubling Q&A on tax exemption for churches during presidential candidate town hall

An exchange between CNN’s Don Lemon and former congressman Beto O’Rourke demonstrates the way the media and politicians oversimply conflicts between religious freedom and nondiscrimination. The First Amendment without question protects rights of individuals and religious institutions, to support or oppose conceptions of marriage according to the dictates of their faith, and to peacefully express those views. That is not a controversial position.