Recent News & Columns

Here are recent columns and news items from the Baptist Joint Committee. Visit our blog and read our monthly magazine, Report from the Capital, to stay current on all religious liberty news. You can also read our press releases online.


For press inquiries, contact:
Cherilyn Crowe
Director of Communications
[email protected]
202-544-4226 x 305
Cell: 202-670-5877

What I learned this summer

What I learned this summer

The Baptist tradition of standing up for religious freedom for all is not new. One of the great privileges of my work so far this year has been to tell that story, a reminder to the many who know it and a welcome surprise to the many more who do not.

Reflections on Charlottesville

Reflections on Charlottesville

These individual acts not only demand responses from our officials, but also from we the people. The images of clergy, standing arm and arm, praying, singing and ministering in the field show the power of religion free from state control.