Recent News & Columns

Here are recent columns and news items from the Baptist Joint Committee. Visit our blog and read our monthly magazine, Report from the Capital, to stay current on all religious liberty news. You can also read our press releases online.


For press inquiries, contact:
Cherilyn Crowe
Director of Communications
[email protected]
202-544-4226 x 305
Cell: 202-670-5877

Modeling the virtues of Christmas

Modeling the virtues of Christmas

By J. Brent Walker, BJC Executive Director
What irony and how sad to be picking fights over how to celebrate the season in which many experience the hope, joy, peace and love of Advent.

From the November/December 2012 Report from the Capital

Government interests and religious objections

Government interests and religious objections

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
Now that the presidential election of 2012 is over, perhaps we will hear fewer claims that religious liberty is under attack. There is little evidence that such rhetoric affected the election’s outcome, but there are plenty of worries that the public’s understanding of religious liberty has been harmed.

From the November/December 2012 Report from the Capital

Holding up the jewel of religious liberty

Holding up the jewel of religious liberty

By J. Brent Walker, BJC Executive Director
I eagerly anticipate the Baptist Joint Committee’s board meeting each October. In fact, the whole staff does because we draw such energy and encouragement through our interaction with this talented and involved group representing the BJC’s 15 member bodies. This year, however, the board meeting also marked a renewal of the BJC in many ways as we celebrated the opening of the Center for Religious Liberty.

Center for Religious Liberty opens

Center for Religious Liberty opens

Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer thanked the Baptist Joint Committee for filing briefs before the High Court, saying at the opening of the BJC’s new Center for Religious Liberty on Capitol Hill that “when you file briefs, they help.”

Religious liberty and individual states

Religious liberty and individual states

By K. Hollyn Hollman, BJC General Counsel
During this election season, the presidential race is the primary focus for political energy. That makes sense, given the important role of the presidency and the varied and tremendous challenges our government faces. In many states, however, there are also election efforts under way with ramifications for religious liberty specifically.