BJC Urges Georgia Lawmakers to Reject RFRA Proposal in its Current Form

Written by Don Byrd
From Kansas to Arizona, state religious freedom legislation has been a troubling news item the last couple of weeks. Now we may need to add Georgia to the list if HB 1023 moves forward as is. The bill is a state version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), a federal law barring the government from substantially burdening a person’s religious exercise without a compelling interest as justification. The Baptist Joint Committee led the diverse coalition that pushed Congress to adopt RFRA in 1993, but is urging Georgia lawmakers to reject HB 1023 as it is currently written…

Dekalb County School Agrees to Anti-Harassment Training

Written by Don Byrd
A Sikh student in Georgia’s Peachtree Charter Middle School was repeatedly harassed by classmates for his faith, according to a complaint filed by the Sikh Coalition. Now, the Department of Justice has announced an agreement requiring the school district in Dekalb County to implement harassment training and protect the child.

It’s Graduation Time!

Written by Don Byrd
It’s May. That means flowers are blooming, the cover’s coming off the gas grill, and lawsuit threats are flying from all directions over commencement prayers. Am I the only one that gauges the time of year based on the church-state disputes in the air?

After complaints that last year’s graduation ceremonies contained too much inappropriate religious talk, Houston County schools in Georgia are going to try following the law this time around.