Michigan to Consider Faith-Based Adoption Measure

Written by Don Byrd
Health care mandates aren’t the only area of government regulation generating controversy among some faith-based organizations. In Michigan, the legislature is poised to vote on a bill that would allow faith-based adoption services to refuse placement with a couple if doing so would violate the agency’s religious beliefs.

Michigan School District: No Coach Participation Allowed in Student-Led Prayers

Written by Don Byrd
A school district near Detroit has ended the practice of coach involvement in pre-game prayers before high school football games. Following an ACLU complaint, the coach apologized and the Bloomfield Hills school officials sought to clarify the policy does not mean prayer has been banned at the school.

Michigan Bill Would Extend Conscience Provisions

Written by Don Byrd
A bill making its way through the Michigan legislature would provide broad conscience exemptions from paying for or providing health-related services for those with a religious objection. The measure is in part, of course, a response to federal health care legislation requiring insurers to provide contraception. The “Religious Liberty and Moral Conscience Protection Act” would go much further, however.