After Years of Increasing Religious Tension, Michigan Festival Changes Location

Written by Don Byrd
A yearly street festival in Dearborn, Michigan has celebrated Arab-American business and culture for the last 15 years. Recently, though it has been known for something else – clashes between Muslim attendees and Christian protestors. The disputes have led to arrests, a lawsuit, and widely circulated videos of backlash against the provocations of the protestors. Indeed, provoking an angry response would seem to be the only explanation for some of the anti-Muslim sentiment launched at the festival attendees.

6th Circuit Rejects Challenge to Winter Holiday Display

Written by Don Byrd
A unanimous panel of the 6th Circuit today affirmed the constitutionality of the yearly Nativity Scene displayed by the city of Warren, Michigan because it is “accompanied by…secular and seasonal symbols.” The ruling dismisses a challenge by the Freedom From Religion Foundation that argued the display improperly promoted and established religion, and asking for the inclusion of an anti-religious message.

Some key quotes from the opinion, rejecting FFRF’s argument and request.