Mississippi Religious Freedom Bill Faces Decision in House Committee Today

Written by Don Byrd
The Mississippi State House is considering a state Religious Freedom Restoration Act bill, recently passed by the Senate. Like most RFRA legislation, this bill would prohibit the government from substantially burdening a person’s religious exercise unless it is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest. Unlike many other RFRA laws, Mississippi’s would trigger this high threshold for *any burden* on religious exercise, regardless of whether it is substantial.

Lawsuit Alleges Students in MS School Forced to Attend Religious Assemblies

Written by Don Byrd
Via Raw Story, the American Humanist Association has filed suit against a Mississippi public high school claiming officials required students to attend blatantly proselytizing assemblies led by a local Baptist church. The lawsuit alleges disturbing details. Students were not made aware of the content of the assembly before they arrived. The assembly itself consisted of direct Christian proselytizing, encouraging students to follow Christ. Many students were of course uncomfortable, but none were allowed to leave or choose a study hall as an alternative.