LATimes Weighs In On Government Prayer

Written by Don Byrd
The editorial board of the Los Angeles Times urges the Supreme Court to rule government prayer practices unconstitutional in an op-ed this morning. Specifically, they respond to the amicus brief of the United States Government, which argues the prayers must be allowed because judges shouldn’t be “in the business” determining sectarian from non-sectarian prayers.

Read the whole thing, but here’s a snippet.

New Lawsuit Challenges NYPD Muslim Spying Program

Written by Don Byrd
A new lawsuit was filed challenging surveillance of Muslim communities by the New York Police Department. The ACLU charges the program amounts to unconstitutional religious profiling that “imposed an unwarranted badge of suspicion and stigma on law-abiding Muslim New Yorkers.”

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear City Council Prayer Case

Written by Don Byrd
Whether the court of appeals erred in holding that a legislative prayer practice violates the Establishment Clause notwithstanding the absence of discrimination in the selection of prayer-givers or forbidden exploitation of the prayer opportunity.”