Lawsuit over Kansas Curriculum Says Evolution is Too Religious?

Written by Don Byrd
Is the science of evolution atheist? Surely not, right? Nothing about the theory of natural selection is incompatible with a belief in a higher power. Some in Kansas apparently believe otherwise, however, and have filed a lawsuit challenging the state’s science curriculum for, it claims, promoting a non-theistic religious view.

Kansas School Board Throws Caution to the Wind, Votes for Prayer at School Events

Written by Don Byrd
The school board in Liberal, Kansas met earlier this week and discussed the possibility of returning prayer to official school events including using the loudspeaker at football games for “student-led prayer.” After the suggestion was raised that they at least slow down to get a legal opinion first, the board decided to move ahead and vote for the prayer policy anyway.

Public schools are not religion-free zones

By J. Brent Walker, BJC Executive Director
The start of a new school year provides an opportunity to review the many ways religion can properly be exercised, studied and otherwise included on public school campuses in ways that naturally arise in our very religious — and religiously diverse — country, while keeping school officials out of the business of promoting a particular religion or even religion in general.

From the September 2013 Report from the Capital

Texas Education Board Continues Creationism in Curriculum Push

Written by Don Byrd
The Texas Board of Education is under scrutiny yet again for attempting to insert creationism into the Biology curriculum in public schools. A review of current texts by a committee appointed by the Board is yielding concerns that there is not enough religion in the curriculum.

New Survey Reveals US Attitudes About Bible Study in Public Schools

Written by Don Byrd
Via Religion News Service, a new study commissioned by the American Bible Society suggests that a solid majority (66%) of Americans want public schools to teach the “values found in the Bible.” Even those who do, however, recognize the inherent dangers in doing so.