3rd Circuit: Elementary Student Has Free Speech Right to Distribute Religious Flier

Written by Don Byrd
When a fifth-grader in Pocono Mountain, California tried to distribute fliers to classmates inviting them to a Christmas party at her church, the school superintendent denied the request, citing a policy that gave him authority to decline to send home non-school events or organizations. Her parents filed suit claiming a violation of First Amendment rights.

Today, the 3rd Circuit affirmed the trial court’s holding (pdf) that the student may not be barred from distributing material so long as there is no “specific and significant fear of disruption.”

More State Legislatures Considering Religion

Written by Don Byrd
So many religion-themed bills are being proposed and advanced in state legislatures these days, it’s hard to keep up.

In Texas, a resolution was introduced Monday (pdf) that says the legislature “support(s) prayers, including the use of the word ‘God,’ at public gatherings as well as displays of the Ten Commandments in public educational institutions and other government buildings.”

In North Carolina, meanwhile, a bill would add a Bible study elective to the public school curriculum.

Oklahoma Committee Considers Student “Academic Freedom” Bill

Written by Don Byrd
an Oklahoma House Committee will consider HB 1674 today, a measure that seeks to protect students who takes contrary positions to scientific theories. While the bill doesn’t mention religious positions contrary to scientific theory, it seems clear that is a primary motivation.

Is Yoga a Church-State Problem in Schools? [UPDATED]

Written by Don Byrd
Katherine Stewart has a thoughtful piece about a growing controversy in California, where programs to introduce public school children to yoga have been criticized by some conservative Christian groups as improper promotion of religion. Why thoughtful? Because she takes seriously the complaint, while considering it in the context of other forms of proselytizing rampant in many school systems today.