Ohio School District to Fight in Court over Jesus Painting

Written by Don Byrd
If a School Board in Ohio has its way, a portrait of Christ will be able to remain in the hallway of a Middle School. But that hallway could become crowded with pictures of all kinds of folks, leaving Jesus just one more face in a crowd.

Jackson, Ohio School Board to Discuss Jesus Painting Lawsuit

Written by Don Byrd
The School Board of Jackson, Ohio will face an unusually large crowd at the meeting tonight when they discuss whether to heed the demands of a lawsuit and remove a painting depicting Jesus from a local Middle School, or to fight the issue in court.

VA Senate Committee Approves Constitutional Amendment on Prayer, Religion in Schools

Written by Don Byrd
By a slim 8-6 margin, the Virginia Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections voted yesterday to approve an amendment to the state’s constitution that would, among other things, provide broad public school students a sweeping right of exemption from assignments and activities they object to on religious grounds.