Maryland School Accommodates Muslim Prayer Needs, With a Hitch

Written by Don Byrd
A principal in Prince George’s County (Maryland) has found a unique way to accommodate the prayer needs of a growing Muslim student population. That’s the good news. The bad news – at least it seems like a questionable idea to me – is that not all Muslim students may take advantage of the prayer time.

Report Questions Bible Courses in Texas

Written by Don Byrd
Bible courses in many Texas schools are falling short of the safeguards set by the legislature. So says a report by the Texas Freedom Network.

Indiana State Senator Wants Lord’s Prayer in Schools

Written by Don Byrd
2013 is the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Abingdon v. Schempp. There, the Court agreed with a high school student plaintiff, who courageously challenged the requirement that he participate in Bible readings to begin the school day.