Lake County (IL) Officials: Maum Meditation is a Religion After All

Written by Don Byrd
After 8 months of delay, a meditation center in Lake County, Illinois can finally open, now that county officials have finally determined Maum Meditation is indeed a religion. The zoning board previously denied Erik Sung’s request to turn his home into a meditation center, claiming the “elements of religion” were not met. A federal lawsuit seems to have helped change their mind.

Islamic Center in Mobile, AL Denied Expansion

Written by Don Byrd
The City Council of Mobile, Alabama cited traffic and parking concerns in denying an Islamic Center’s request for expansion. Echoing controversies in Murfreesboro, TN and New York, this dispute pitting religious freedom against zoning regulations may be headed to court as well.

Appeals Court Revives Inmate’s Kosher Meals Suit in Florida

Written by Don Byrd
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals yesterday overturned the dismissal of a Florida prisoner’s lawsuit demanding kosher meal options. Florida’s Department of Corrections announced a policy change that would allow for such meals, but the appeals panel ordered the hearing to proceed because nothing prevented the state from undoing that change.

5th Circuit: Ban on Inmate Beards in Texas Violates RLUIPA

Written by Don Byrd
Last week, the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals sided with a Muslim inmate in his lawsuit against the Texas Department of Criminal Justice over its ban on beards. Willie Garner argued the state could demonstrate the rule is the least restrictive means of achieving a compelling interest, as required by the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). The court agreed.