Including BJC in my Estate Planning
By Reba S. Cobb
Louisville, Kentucky

From the first time I heard James Dunn speak in the 1980s until now, I have been an advocate for religious freedom and the work of BJC. It has become one of my passions.
My advocacy and support for freedom of religion has taken many forms, including speaking out on church–state issues, organizing classes at my church on separation of church and state, lobbying members of Congress, as well as serving on the board of BJC. In addition, I have given an annual donation to BJC since I joined the board in 2002.
Freedom of religion is one of the sterling amendments of the U.S. Constitution, setting us apart from so many other countries. Church historian Glenn Hinson declared that “[r]eligious liberty was born in America.” In that case, it is central to our core values as Americans and Baptists. This liberty was won through the struggle and perseverance of our Baptist forebearers, who were arrested, imprisoned and fined for their resistance.
Today BJC is an extension of the struggle and a trustee of this freedom. The threats to religious freedom and separation of church and state are constant and continuous. In its eighty-two-year history, BJC had become a national leader and a watchdog for extending and defending religious liberty for all.
I, for one, want to support and continue that heritage.
It is for this reason that I have included BJC in my estate planning. I am a proud member of the James Dunn Legacy Circle. Leaving a gift to sustain the important ongoing work for religious freedom is essential to the integrity of my faith.
I think it is my moral responsibility to continue the work of BJC for generations to come. I want my legacy to my children and grandchildren to be that I stood on the side of freedom: allowing all U.S. citizens to choose any religion or none at all.
I invite every reader to express your Christian citizenship and affirm the work of BJC by including BJC in your will.
If you have included BJC in your estate plans or would like more information about naming us as a beneficiary of a will, trust or financial account, fill out this simple form or contact Danielle Tyler at [email protected] or 202.544.4226.