capitol dome section with flag


By Woody and Penny Jenkins, Goochland, Va.

?????????????????????We have supported the Baptist Joint Committee for more than 20 years now. We first learned of the work of the BJC while attending Baptist meetings, both locally and nationally, and hearing Brent Walker’s presentations and “breakout sessions” on the BJC’s work.

We know of no other organization that is solely devoted and focused on the issue of separation of church and state like the BJC. As one of the most important elements of the Bill of Rights, and a foundational tenet in Baptist faith, no other group can or will speak to the issues around this belief as well as the BJC.

The BJC is also committed to the education and empowerment of ordinary folks so that the reasons for and the benefits of religious liberty are not lost on succeeding generations. There are few things more precious to the health and well-being of democracy as we know it than the protection of this right.

When we began our estate planning, we very intentionally looked at all the institutions, schools and organizations we had supported in the past. We decided that, although we would like to provide assistance to all of these, our limited estate would best be utilized by a select few for whom these funds would help further their important work. The BJC ended up very high on the short list of these select organizations.

What we are able to do for the BJC now and will do in the future through our estate may not make a huge difference. However, we pray that we will be joined by many others who are able to offer their “meager gifts” to be added to ours. Collectively, we know that the ongoing success of the BJC may be assured, securing the religious freedom of all citizens of these United States.

When you consider the many worthy causes and organizations that seek your support, we would urge you to choose those that will make a lasting difference in the religious life of the people of this great nation. The sacrifices of those who have made our freedoms secure to this point must not be in vain. There is no more foundational right than religious freedom and no organization more committed to defending this freedom than the BJC.

If you have included the BJC in your estate plans or would like more information about naming us as a beneficiary of a will, trust or financial account, fill out a simple form at or contact Taryn Deaton, director of development, at [email protected] or 202-544-4226.

From the October 2014 Report from the Capital. Click here to return to the first article.

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