Celebrating your commitment to faith freedom for all
You made an impact in 2019, standing with your neighbors and speaking out about the importance of faith freedom for all.
This year, we worked together to expand how we talk about faith freedom for all, launching a new website and new digital resources and creating new programs. Our mission hasn’t changed in the past 80 years, but the world in which we work has. Together, we are standing with our neighbors, equipping new advocates and telling the story of why we support faith freedom for all in new ways.
This is crucial as we enter a new decade, sure to be ripe with new challenges and opportunities to stand with our neighbors and continue our country’s guarantee of faith freedom for all. Join us with a tax-deductible gift before the end of the year to propel our shared work into 2020. We are nearing our goal to raise $500,000 from individual supporters like you this year. Will you join the hundreds of other freedom fighters who are part of BJC with a gift today? Now is the time to use your voice and give. Thank you!
Take a look at what we accomplished together in 2019 — we’ll be adding to this list as we approach the end of the decade!
We asked you what BJC’s work in 2019 meant to you. Hear in the words of BJC’s diverse group of supporters the positive difference your investments in #FaithFreedomForAll have made this year.
You embraced our new brand and a new way to talk about our work. Our mission hasn’t changed over the past 80 years, but the world in which we work has. Together, we are telling the story of why we support #FaithFreedomForAll in a visually engaging and digitally fluent way is crucial to achieving our goals and engaging future advocates.
Your support created new videos and animations to connect with the next generation, showing how we work with everyone and support #FaithFreedomForAll through various avenues. Watch and share this engaging content with your networks and invite your neighbors to join you in supporting religious freedom for everyone!
Your investments made possible a new, modern, engaging website. It serves as BJC’s front door to the world, explaining our mission and attracting newcomers to our work like never before.
You made a difference by standing up against the dangers of Christian nationalism this year. Working with other faith leaders, BJC launched a statement you can sign online. To date, more than 15,000 Christians from all 50 states and dozens of different denominations have signed.
Throughout 2019, you joined us for important conversations about faith freedom for all on the BJC Podcast, including the 10-part series on the dangers of Christian nationalism. You can listen to the entire series on your favorite podcasting platform: Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher and more!
Your investment trained more than 400 individuals across the country for legislative advocacy. These advocates are equipped to engage with members of Congress and are more empowered to continue to lead conversations about the importance of religious freedom.
You provided 10 new young professionals with an in-depth, experiential seminar about religious liberty in Colonial Williamsburg. The thriving BJC Fellows Program now counts 50 BJC Fellows and plans to have its first reunion for continuing education in early 2020.
This year, you brought 400 students from across the country to visit our office for a one-time educational session and supported a semester-long immersive learning experience for 5 BJC interns. Our intern alumni network is now more than 200 people strong.
In 2019, you defended religious freedom for everyone at the U.S. Supreme Court. We filed a brief defending the religious meaning of the cross, showing how people of all faith traditions are harmed when the government violates its obligation to remain neutral between religions.