BJC, a national faith-based organization that educates about and advocates for everyone’s faith freedom, seeks a Policy Counsel. This position would advance efforts to promote faith freedom for all, primarily in legislative and other policy arenas.
Texans traverse the state to make their opposition known to the State Board of Education
Dr. John Compton will talk about the politics of secularization during the 20th annual Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and Separation of Church and State, held on the campuses of Mercer University in Macon and Atlanta, Georgia, this November.
Efforts to ban books see differences — such as religious differences — as a threat instead of understanding the benefits of lifting and listening to diverse voices and experiences.
With reports of voters being removed from rolls and efforts to create confusion in order to suppress the vote in some communities, it’s a good idea to ensure you’re prepared to vote.